Saturday, February 7, 2009

So about this blogging thing…

I hear it's a kind of catharsis. You know, like you write down all the things that are buzzing around your head and then, by some magical blogging healing powers, you are suddenly cured. I am less then sure about all this, but why not? I figure I need a reason to procrastinate (more than I already do) and why not a blog?

So…about that catharsis… How am I supposed to feel better about moving out, leaving my parents behind, and setting up my life in some nondescript apartment? How am I supposed to juggle a relationship with massive overdoses of homework and research? Who is going to teach me to pay bills? And where am I supposed to get the money to pay them in the first place? I am a college senior without a clue, a plan, and just the barest sense of a prayer. I am figuring it out as I go… and writing it down along the way. I just wish someone had warned me about all this.

When did I suddenly have a life? What is this "responsibility" thing I keep hearing about? Since when am I a grownup?

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